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Validator Node Setup (on Testnet)

Hardware Requirements#

  • Requirements
    • Minimum: 8GB RAM, 2 Core CPU, 100GB Hard Disk
    • Recommended: 16GB RAM, 4 Core CPU, 300GB Hard Disk

! NOTE !

If you have previously installed a Findora validator instance on your current machine, then you should first delete your all the contents from your ${ROOT_DIR} directory . If the ${ROOT_DIR} is not defined you can remove the contents in /tmp folder.

Automated Setup#

Download and run the script below which automatically downloads the binaries and configures your Testnet validator node:


  • example: bash -x

Manual Setup#

If you don't wish to run the automated setup script above, you can manually download binary files and configure your Testnet validator following the instructions below:

Download Validator Binaries#

Download the following files:


  • You can (optionally) run a Linux node via Windows Subsystem for Linux
  • Check that binaries have executable permissions set correctly
    • ex) chmod +x tendermint abci_validator_node fns
  • Check that binary files are placed into one of your PATH directories
    • ex) mv tendermint abci_validator_node fns /usr/local/bin/

Configure Local Node (for Testnet)#

Set Environment Path Variables#

# ex)#     export ROOT_DIR=${HOME}/findora_testnetexport ROOT_DIR=<The data path of your node>

Run tendermint Executable to Initialize Tendermint and Create a Node Key#

Initializing Tendermint will create a node key (stored in a newly created ./tendermint/config/priv_validator_key.json file). The node key will be used to identity your node, sign blocks and perform other tendermint consensus-related tasks.

# Clean up old data that may existrm -rf ~/.tendermint
# Initialize the configuration of your Tendermint node# This command will create a .tendermint directory and priv_validator_key.json file needed latertendermint init
# Create ledger data directory, for examplerm -rf ${ROOT_DIR}mkdir -p ${ROOT_DIR}/abci ${ROOT_DIR}/tendermint


  • If you encounter a security issue error when trying to run tendermint init, you may need to manually approve its security priveliges in you OS first. Then re-run the tendermint init command again.

Create Staking Key via fns CLI Tool#

Generate a new, random pair of public and private keys for your node which will be used for FRA staking:

fns genkey > ~/findora_testnet/tmp.gen.keypair

View the contents of your tmp.gen.keypair file via the command below:

cat ~/findora_testnet/tmp.gen.keypair

An example of the file's content is below. Note: the pub_key and sec_key below are examples. Do not use them in your own node.

Mnemonic: repair drink action brass term blur fat doll spoon thumb raise squirrel tornado engine tumble picnic approve elegant tube urge ghost secret seminar blameKey: {  "pub_key": "LSlwyUYVg1zBtCqOS6wv_49uHTYS2OwQLBn3bRjrtPU=",  "sec_key": "b0MGhK7xaRQHuhzFkaBhQ1o4GwTumJEWt1NQ7FChNwA="}

Tip : For convenience, you can import the sec_key (aka private key) into any Findora wallet (Win/Mac wallet, mobile wallet, CLI wallet tool, etc.), to more conveniently check and manage your FRA balances or to view historical transaction data for this wallet address.

Store Mnemonic Words into ${ROOT_DIR}/node.mnemonic#

For convenience in setting up your node via the fns tool, store your 24 mnemonic keywords (located inside tmp.gen.keypair) into ${ROOT_DIR}/node.mnemonic.

To accomplish this, open the tmp.gen.keypair file and copy all of the 24 mnemonic keywords specific to your node. Then paste these 24 mnemonic keywords into the command below.

Note: the 24 mnemonic keywords in the example command below (repair, drink, action, brass...) are examples. Do not use them.

# ex)# echo "repair drink action brass term blur fat doll spoon thumb raise squirrel tornado engine tumble picnic approve elegant tube urge ghost secret seminar blame" > ${ROOT_DIR}/node.mnemonicecho <24 mnemonic keywords> > ${ROOT_DIR}/node.mnemonic

Configure your validator node to use your newly generated public and private keys:

# Link the fns client to the Findora Testnet addressfns setup -S
# Connect your staking key (now stored inside `node.mnemonic`)# to fns. This allows fns to sign transactions on your behalf# ex)#     fns setup -O ${ROOT_DIR}/node.mnemonicfns setup -O <Path to the mnemonic of your node> || exit 1
# Connect your Node Key to fns# ex)#     fns setup -K ${HOME}/.tendermint/config/priv_validator_key.jsonfns setup -K <path to validator key> || exit 1

Configure Tendermint-Core Node#


  • For production environments, setup a cluster (instead of a raw node)
  • Install the following command line tools before continuing:
    • 'wget', 'curl', 'jq' and 'perl'
# Get the genesis config from an existing node of the testnetcurl \    | jq -c '.result.genesis' \    | jq > ~/.tendermint/config/genesis.json
# Adjust the block intervalperl -pi -e 's#(create_empty_blocks_interval = ).*#$1"15s"#' ~/.tendermint/config/config.toml
# Config some existing nodes to your local node, so it can connect to the testnetperl -pi -e \    's#(persistent_peers = )".*"#$1"b87304454c0a0a0c5ed6c483ac5adc487f3b21f6\"#' \    ~/.tendermint/config/config.toml

Start Local Node#

# Start your validator processabci_validator_node \    --ledger-dir="${ROOT_DIR}/abci" \    --tendermint-node-key-config-path="${HOME}/.tendermint/config/priv_validator_key.json" \    --enable-ledger-service \    --enable-query-service \    >${ROOT_DIR}/abci/validator.log 2>&1 &
# Start your tendermint process# Notes:#   If you want to access the tendermint node on another host,#   use option --rpc.laddr=tcp:// when starting the processtendermint node 2>&1 > ${ROOT_DIR}/tendermint/consensus.log &

Check Local Node Status#

If the following commands return status messages without any errors, then your node has been successfully configured and started:

curl 'http://localhost:26657/status'curl 'http://localhost:8669/version'curl 'http://localhost:8668/version' # Only if you set the 'ENABLE_LEDGER_SERVICE'curl 'http://localhost:8667/version' # Only if you set the 'ENABLE_QUERY_SERVICE'

Fund Your Validator#

Validators must stake a minimum for 888,888 FRA to register as a validator. Before you can stake FRA to your validator, you must first transfer FRA to your the Findora Address (i.e. wallet address) of your validator.

Testnet Funding#

On Testnet, you can request free Testnet FRA tokens. First, locate the wallet address associated with your validator node. To do this, run fns show and locate the address under Findora Address

An example of some of the information from fns show is below. Findora Address is the wallet address you will give out when requesting FRA testnet tokens. Note: Do not use the example address below for your own node.


You can request Testnet FRA tokens in two ways:


  • All FRA token requests will be approved
  • Testnet FRA form requests are processed every 12 hours

Mainnet Funding#

Transfer FRA from an existing Findora wallet to your Findora Address (if you don't own any FRA, you can buy from a crypto exchange that lists FRA first).

Node Operations#

Besides node setup, the fns tool is also used for general validator staking operations such as staking FRA into the validator, setting the commission rate the validator charges, and transferring FRA balance on the validator to another wallet address and claiming FRA rewards.

To see all list of all sub-commands under fns use the --help flag:

fns --help

To get detailed info about a specific sub-command like stake use the --help flag.

Usage example:

fns stake --help

USAGE:    fns stake [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --amount <Amount>
FLAGS:    -a, --append     stake more FRAs to your node
OPTIONS:    -n, --amount <Amount>           how much `FRA unit`s you want to stake    -R, --commission-rate <Rate>    the commission rate for delegators, a float number from 0.0 to 1.0    -M, --validator-memo <Memo>     the description of your validator node, optional

Help information for each sub-commands can be obtained by typing --help after the specific subcommand:

  • fns unstake --help
  • fns claim --help
  • fns transfer --help
  • ...

Stake Initial FRA and Set Commission Rate#

After receiving FRA to your validator's Findora Address, you must stake a minimum of 888,888 FRA to be a validator. Only the top 100 validators (with the most FRA staked) will earn FRA rewards.


  • Before staking, wait for 100% data synchronization of your validator node
    • Else, you may be charged a 'validator node offline' penatly fee.
# ex)# - To stake 999,999 FRAs with a commision rate of 2% (and validator name of Validator_Pool_A)# - Note: that is 999999 * 1000000 FRA unitsfns stake -n $((999999 * 1000000)) -R 0.02 -M 'Validator Pool A'

Stake Additional FRA#

# Stake an additional 2,000 FRA to your validatorfns stake -a -n $((2000 * 1000000))

View Node Information#

To find information about your validator node, use the fns show command. Sample output is below:


Claim FRA Rewards#

Top 100 validators will earn block rewards. If your validator is a top 100 validator, it will earn rewards which will show up in the rewards: section of fns show.


If your reward balance is greater than 0, you can claim your earned rewards via the fns claim sub-command

# fns claim -n <the amount of FRA units you want># ex) #   If you have a reward balance of 20 FRA (i.e. "rewards: 20000000") #   and wish to claim 10 FRA (out of 20 FRA), issue the command below:fns claim -n $((10 * 1000000))

Unstake FRA#

Unstake Some of Your FRA#

# fns unstake -n <the amount of FRA units you want># ex)#   To unstake 900 FRA (ie. 900 * 1000000)fns unstake -n $((900 * 1000000))

Close Validator and Unstake All of Your FRA#

NOTE: This operation will unstake all of your FRA and remove your node from the Findora Network.

fns unstake